Raf Simons Archive Redux

RS Redux

Redux. From Latin, Redux - 'That Returns'. From reducere -To lead back, meaning to bring back.

A reexamination and recontextualising of the past, for and within the present, archive redux is a reissue of 100 pieces from the Raf Simons archive, charting 25 years of the brand and marking the label's 25th anniversary in 2020.

A focused selection reprising different moments from the brand's history, curated by Raf Simons, Archive Redux is geared to the cultural moment. These garments reflect the shifts of time, highlighting pieces that have an instinctive relevance to the world of today. There is no hierarchy or system to the choices: They are pure creative decisions.

Each piece will replicate the characteristics of their archival antecedents. Both a creative and a commercial gesture, Archive Redux offers the new generation of Raf Simons followers a chance to experience these garments for the first time. A nostalgia for the unknown.

Juxtaposing different eras, obsessions and creative approaches in single outfits, assembled from reflections of the past, a new vitality and dynamism is found in contrasts. The past always composes the present: This approach reflects the identity of Raf Simons, a history informing the future.

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